Friday, December 10, 2010

December 10th

December 10th
Last day of classes and I couldn’t be any happier than I am right about now! My basketball team won last night and no more class for a month! Whoop Whoop!! As I said last day of classes but I really still have so much to do and so little time to get it done.  Today I need to work on getting all my lesson plans done for P.E. then I need to work on a few other little projects that are due today. Then off to work I go until about midnight tonight L   
                Work should be very interesting today because I guess we are going to be staying open later on Christmas Eve. which we make a lot of people not very happy including me. But I did a while back request it off to go to church with my family so I am crossing my fingers that it might just work out that they give me the day off I hope. But if not I guess I am not going to be in that bad of a mood just a little disappointed. Because that is time with our families that they are taking away from us which is not far, we are only closed two days a year and close early one day so I don’t see what this can really hurt us that bad for. But I guess I will just wait and see what happens.        

December 9th

December 9th
                Wow…what a day! At least yesterday I did get most of the Christmas shopping finish so that is one thing that can be checked off my busy list for the week. But then after class it was like I was in over power mode all I did was run run run. I hate those days that all you do is run once in awhile are fine but here lately it’s like every other day for me. As soon as class let out I was off for the raced I had so much to do and very little time. Went tanning, then to get a few more Christmas presents, then pay some bills, then I finally was able to grab some lunch in there for a second but I still was driving while eating to I don’t  think that counts for much.  Then headed for home to get ready for the game!
                First basketball game of the season! Went started out with the bus not getting to the school at the right time and then when we arrived to the school that we were playing they were not even ready for us to be there so we had to wait to get into the locker room. But after we actually had everything under control I was able to calm down the girls and get them focused.  After the first quarter and the girls stop being so nervous we pulled through and won 44-22. J Let me say I was pretty happy!      

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 8th

December 8th
Cold Cold!! It was just one of those mornings when you walked outside and wanted to run right back in and craw right back into bed L … but I stuck it out and went on my little marry way and now at class working on all kinds of different homework things.  Then after class its back home to get ready for the day ahead of me. No basketball practice today because we have no gym that we can get into so that’s not good for us because we have our first game on Thursday and not so sure if we are ready.
                Then after I go home and get ready it’s off to get some more Christmas shopping done. I really do have a lot left to get because I really haven’t started on anyone but the kids and they are almost finish or I am going to be broke if I don’t stop. So I hope to get at least 75 % done today.

December 7th

December 7th
What a day … it snowed all day and got a little slippery on the roads.  First to start off the day I didn’t have to be classes until 10 which was great then all we did we discuss the booked called “The Child called It.” Then after I was done with class I went and did my last observing time and collected the little bit of data that I still needed to get done.
                Then I went home and worked on all the homework that I had to do for my 8 am class on Wednesday. Which I didn’t get finished until about midnight but I did have a little break because I had to go to practice. Practice was ok a lot of goofing off and not listening to me but I guess you will have those days. So after practice it was straight home to finish homework and try to make it to bed on time.   

Monday, December 6, 2010

December 6th

December 6th
          First just want to start the day out by saying Happy 1st Birthday to my wonderful niece and the outside is so pretty with all the snow on the ground. But I hate that the snow makes the roads slick and scary. But I actually made it to class only 5 min. late and didn’t hit too many bad spots on the way there. After classes today it’s off to work and then to do more homework L but I guess I will grow up and get over it. But because the highs schools got canceled today there is no basketball game tonight and that really makes me sad because it was our first game.
          But we have a game on Thursday so at least we can hold on to some hope and pray that it won’t snow on Wednesday so that we have a game. But I have to go to class now and maybe actually learn something new today that I can teach someone else.

December 5th

December 5th
Today was a lot better than Saturday because it’s Sunday and I didn’t have to be at work until 11am. J Work went slow like it always does on Sunday and then I was off for the races. I had to go home and get ready for the evening, then off to get the kids from the babysitter. After we finally made it back home and was all warm calmed down my boyfriend came home and said lets go to dinner. After dinner to Grandma and Grandpas we went to drop off the kids because we both had to be up and out of the house by 6am and didn’t want to have to wake the kids. Then after we left there we went to Wal-Mart just to get a few things but turned into one hundred dollars. What a day …

December 4th

December 4th
What a busy start to a day… At 9 am on a Saturday morning I had to be up and at college for a workshop. The workshop was supposed to last until at least 3 we got out and I was home by 12.  So that was a plus and I was able to take a quick nap before I had to head into work at 3. Work was just work and have nothing else good to say about it I finally got off work at 1 am. Then went home and read a book until about 4 am then I had to be back up and at work by 11.
My Saturday is not a typical college students but the work for me and they allow me to be able to go to college and work hard for everything I have.

Friday, December 3, 2010

December 3rd

Its Friday…. That always put a smile on my face. But again I have a busy busy day ahead of me. I have class all morning then off to work I go until about midnight. Then I will probably be up late trying to get some homework done that’s all due next week. Which I am not that mad about because there is only one week of classes left and then finals.
            Next thing that is going on in my life is trying to get all this Christmas shopping done. I would like to have it all done by at least the 15th but as of right now I can’t even find time to get to Wal-Mart let alone to the mall and other places. I am in real need for a day of just to get stuff done day but that day seems like it’s so far away. Well I better get back t o my busy life check in with me tomorrow and I will keep you up too date!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 2nd

So… today is the second day of December and we had snow again! J  I hope everyday in December snows that would be awesome because we really haven’t had much snow in the past year or so.
But any who I had a really busy day went to class had to give a presentation, then went and observed at a High School. If you think that was all I did your crazy then I had basketball practice for two hours and then worked on homework for ever I didn’t think I would ever get done. Well that’s all that happened here for now check back tomorrow to get the new scoop on my life…

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1st...

First day of December could have not started any better. I woke up with snow outside all over the ground and it made me think it’s starting to look a lot like Christmas. This makes me very happy because it’s the time of the year that we get to spend time with family and eat all kinds of stuff. Also we get some time off school and get to relax. The only thing that worries me about having snow on the first day of December is what kind of weather is ahead of us.
Next thing that is on my mind today is that I there is only a week and a half left of classes and have so much still to get done. Not only a bunch of homework to do but also so much Christmas shopping to do also. Well I better get started on some homework right now...But I will keep you up to date on what is going on tomorrow! Have a great day!